Support and Maintenance

Stop worrying about your website. Let me do that for you. From regular backups to server, CMS, and plugin upgrades, I’m here to help keep your site running smoothly.

Building your website is just the first step. Without ongoing support and maintenance, your website will be out-of-date before you know it, with possible hidden bugs or, even worse, security vulnerabilities. You need a trusted partner to help support and maintain your website to keep it upated with the latest software, and manage regular backups to help protect against a future disaster. Let Cory Webb Media be your trusted support and maintenance partner to keep your site running at peak performance with the following services:

  • Joomla updates
  • WordPress updates
  • Joomla extension and template updates
  • WordPress plugin and theme updates
  • Regular backups
  • Disaster recovery from backups
  • Server maintenance
  • Server upgrades
  • Server migrations
